Friday, April 18, 2014

Padma Mayurasana - The Lotus peacock pose

The Padma Mayurasana also called as Lotus Peacock pose is one of the important asana. This asana strengthens the arms and wrists and improves balance.  Let us now see how to practice Padma Mayurasana.

Steps to practice Padma Mayurasana

  •  First sit in Padmasana.
  •  Now come up to stand on the knees.  Place the palms flat on the floor in front of you with your fingers facing backwards towards the knees.
  • Now bend the elbows and bring them closer together.  Now lean forward and place each elbow on either side of the abdomen.
  • Now lean further forward and slowly try to rest your chest on the upper arms and see that the body weight is transferred to the arms.
  • Once you are comfortable, lean further and lift the folded legs off the floor.  Try to remain balanced in this position as long as possible
  • Always keep the torso horizontal.

  Caution : Please do not practice this asana if you have high BP, hernia, heart disease or any type of ulcer, physical weakness, pregnancy, weak wrists and arms.

There are a number of benefits of practicing Padma Mayurasana.  Here is a list of benefits of practicing Padma Mayurasana.

  • This asana stimulates elimination of toxins from blood.
  • Balancing becomes easier.
  • Digestive organs are massaged.
  • This asana removes skin conditions like boils.
  • The endocryne system is balanced
  • This asana is a treatment for constipation, diabetes, sluggishness of liver and kidneys.
  • The muscles of the body are strengthened.
  • The three doshas are balanced
Here is a video showing how to practice Padma Mayurasana


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