Siddhasana also known as Ardha Padmasana got its name from sanskrit words "Siddha" means "perfect" and "asana" means "pose".
Siddhasana and padmasana are the two asanas traditionally used for Dhyana or meditation and breathing exercises. Siddhasana is one of the most important asanas whose practice purifies the 72,000 nadis in the body. The Siddhasana improves the flexibility of your hips, knees, and ankles and strengthens the back. This posture is considered as the perfect meditation posture. Here is the method to practice Siddhasana.
Siddhasana and padmasana are the two asanas traditionally used for Dhyana or meditation and breathing exercises. Siddhasana is one of the most important asanas whose practice purifies the 72,000 nadis in the body. The Siddhasana improves the flexibility of your hips, knees, and ankles and strengthens the back. This posture is considered as the perfect meditation posture. Here is the method to practice Siddhasana.
Steps to practice Siddhasana
- Sit on the floor with legs close to each other
- Now take the left foot and place it at he perineum.
- Now take the right foot and place it over the left foot
- To make the posture steadier, slide the right foot toes into the space between the left calf muscles. This may require some adjustment to the position. It is like creating a lock, so that the lower body is stable for long durations of meditation.
- The knees should touch the floor. Make your spine straight now
- The chin can press against the chest.
- Gaze at the space between the eyebrows. And become aware of your breathing process. The breathing can be natural and deep. One may also practice Ujjayi breathing according to one’s meditation technique.
- The hands can be kept on the knees. One may assume the Chin Mudra or the Jnana Mudra with the fingers, if one wishes.
- Maintain this position for as long as you are comfortable.
Benefits of Siddhasana
- Siddhasana is one of the main poses used for meditation. One can maintain this position for a long duration. Those who have difficulty practicing Padmasana can easily practice Siddhasana for extended periods. This asana holds the spinal column straight and steady.
- In Siddhasana, the heel is kept pressed against the Mooladharachakra. This ensures that the energy currents flow upwards towards the spine.
- The position of the heels also stimulates the lower two chakrasMooladhara and Swadhistana. The sexual energy is channelized upwards and converted into subtle energy called ‘ojas’.
- It also gives the practitioner control over his sex urge and the sexual functions.
- In Hatha Yoga Pradeepika, it is said that Siddhasana stabilizes the nervous system by calming down the pranic energy.
Here is a video on how to practice Siddhasana.....
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